501(c)3 Update
Membership Levels
Launch Party
Block Party
Sunday Streets
Jack Spade
Website Update
Andrew, Aggregate Supply/Turk+Taylor
Jonathan, Aggregate Supply/Heliotrope
Martin, Accident and Artifact
Mischa, Digital Fix
Kieron, Pro Local
Sean, Paxton Gate
Haley, Five and Diamond
Jefferson, Mission Bicycle
Caroline, 826 Valencia
501(c)3 and MEMBERSHIP LEVELS – Sean and Kieron
- Ready to submit paperwork to attorney for review.
- $400-$800 cost to review (reduced rate), timeline 1-2 months.
- Defining Membership
- We can vote to change these later
- Debate on definitions of services
- Conclusion: adding “retail presence” to the services definition
- Criteria for Voting Members is already set – need to define other membership types:
- Voting Members
- meet the criteria, in the boundaries
- Non-Voting Members
- anyone who is in the boundary but doesn”t fit the criteria
- anyone who fits the criteria but is not in the boundary
- VCMA Fans
- anyone who wants to donate money to the group annually
- Sponsorship
- one time donation for a specific event
- Sponsorship
- Jefferson brings up that we have had countless conversations/debates about this and the reasons get forgotten all the time, how to solve?
- ACTION: Write a narrative on how we got to our decisions. (Sean)
- Benefits of Membership:
- voting rights, website directory, facebook group/community referrals and alerts, supporting your community, donation write offs, etc.
- Benefits of Associate Membership:
- all except voting
- Why are we having a launch party?
- Membership Drive – invite the community to participate and support
- Official Launch after years of organization – becoming an official non-profit
- Meet the Community – Valencia Street Merchants are a unique batch
- Date & Location
- Ideal date is 1/23/14
- BetaBrand has offered their space
- Action: Haley email BetaBrand and cc Kieron to coordinate location/date. Confirm that they can handle 60 to 80 people.
- 3 Levels of Sponsorship –
- Action: need to solicit members for donations
- food
- beverage
- cash, and/or become a member
- Hoping for turnout of 60-80 people.
VCMA UPDATE (Jonathan, et al)
- 36 paid members to date
- Current Bank Balance – $3900
- Proposal to Hire Pro Local – $200-$250/month for admin help:
- social media, website update, newsletter
- Proposal for a Greeting Committee
- people who go say hi to new members and let them know about the organization. Perhaps this can be set up in sections so that we can have geographically simple committees up and down the street.
– ACTION: anyone want to form a committee? reply to this email. :) Website Update (Mischa)
- content is complete and ready to roll, needs design help
- ACTION: Jonathan will help Mischa with website editing
- developer still working on back end, will finish or start? by 12/16
- Aim to launch site by 1/1/14: Sean will reach out to Arin to see if we can get a guarantee on this.
- Action: need a website committee after launch
- Block Party on Friday
- Press:
- Already Posted – 7×7, Johnny FunCheap, Bold Italic
- Verbal Confirmation to PR about posting: Refinery29, Racked SF, Mission Local, Thrillist
- Johnny FunCheap – offer to trade ad space on his site for ad space on ours.
- We filed a brief, no rebuttal was made by Jack Spade.
- However, nothing official has been done by Jack Spade to pull out of the space.
- Melissa Xides wrote an email to Jefferson and said they are definitely pulling out.
- Appeal on Dec 11th – we will be attending and hoping they make good on their word and don”t show.
- Only time will tell.
- (ADDITIONAL INFO SINCE THE MTG: the hearing has since been delayed until Weds, Jan 29th)
Liberty Hill Association fight with building at old KFC/Spork location (Jefferson)
- Alicia Gomez, our lawyer from Jack Spade is asking our help.
- They are trying to Stop Building Construction for the following reasons (and more):
- height is slightly higher than regulation
- construction disrupting performances of theatre next door
- front door is not going to be on Valencia, will be on HIll Street which means that residents will be eligible to get parking in the neighborhood – taking away precious parking that is already scarce.
- They want 2 spaces to be car share inside the parking garage.
- not aesthetically pleasing
- lack of garage space
- Jefferson will be attending the hearing, can he speak on the behalf of the VCMA for the Liberty Hill association?
- Yes but we don”t oppose the building construction, we support car share parking to be available in the building since it”s an environmental building, sympathize with residents about parking so address should be on Valencia Street or they should build more parking, and that developers take into account the Marsh Theatre being there as a pre-existing Valencia location and that potential residents must be informed of the possible noise and forfeit their right to complain about noise the theatre might create. Even better developers should redesign the Marsh side of the building to prevent future noise complaints. We’re worried that it’ll be similar to the condos that went into SOMA next to long-standing night clubs that eventually got closed because the residents complained about the noise. We’d like to keep that from happening to The Marsh.
Sunday Streets (Jefferson)
- Went to Sunday Streets meeting
- 2 dates in the Mission for 2014: August / October
- We hoped for 4 dates but not enough resources.
- only 3 employees run Sunday Streets so hard to have more dates, also expensive $50,000/event
- 24th Street cut off our route – looking for a new street.
- 3 options on a new perpendicular street to Bryant Street:
- 22nd Street, 20th Street, 17th Street. Meeting attendees really didn’t favor any particular street.
- 3 options on a new perpendicular street to Bryant Street:
NEXT MEETING: Tues 1/7/14 at 7:15pm in the Paxton Gate Conference Room