Join or Support the VCMA

Join or Support the VCMA

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Member $49/year.
Members are defined as merchants with a retail presence on the Valencia Corridor (VC)*, actively and legally selling retail Products or Wares, Tangible Personal Services, food or beverages, and/or Entertainment. Members receive all the benefits provided by the VCMA and have voting rights. Join as a Member

Associate Member $39/year.
Associate Members* are all other businesses that do not fulfill the Member definition above, including organizations such as Financial Institutions, Professional Services, Office-Only Businesses, and are located within the VC; OR those that do fulfill the definition of Member, but which are located outside of the geographic boundaries. Associate Members receive all the benefits provided by the VCMA but do not have voting rights. Join as a Associate Member

Fans are business or individuals not eligible to become Members or Associate Members that would like to be support the VCMA with annual membership dues. Support as a Fan

Sponsor – one time donation in any increment.
A sponsor is any business, individual or other entity that sponsors a specific event, fund drive or other occasion on an intermittent basis. Support as a Sponsor

  • Products or Wares are tangible items a consumer purchases in a storefront with an address on the VC; this includes typical retail purchases.
  • Tangible Personal Services are benefits a consumer receives at a business location on the VC; this includes services and classes such as yoga, salons, birthing classes, acupuncture, etc.
  • Entertainment includes music and comedy venues, plays and dance performances, movie theaters and similar businesses.
  • The Valencia Corridor (VC) is defined as Valencia Street extending from Market to Cesar Chavez Streets, including the side streets up to, but not including Mission and Guerrero Streets.

Starred items will appear in the business directory so please make sure to use proper spelling and punctuation